Preliminary Academic Program for the Argentum Symposium on Private Equity and Funds of Private Equity
- 10:30 AM |
Argentum Symposium on Private Equity and Funds of Private Equity: Pricing and Performance |
Yael V. Hochberg , Northwestern University, Alexander Ljungqvist , New York University and Annette Vissing-Jorgensen , Northwestern University - Informational Hold-Up and Performance Persistence in Venture Capital |
Ulf Axelson , Institute for Financial Research (SIFR), Per Johan Strömberg , Institute for Financial Research (SIFR), Tim Jenkinson , University of Oxford and Michael S. Weisbach , Ohio State University - Leverage and Pricing in Buyouts: An Empirical Analysis |
Florencio Lopez de Silanes , EDHEC Business School and Ludovic Phalippou , University of Amsterdam - Private Equity Investments: Performance and Diseconomies of Scale |
- 1:30 PM |
Argentum Symposium on Private Equity and Funds of Private Equity: Value Creation |
Jerry Cao , Boston College, Singapore Management University - Are Buyout Sponsors Market Timers in RLBOs? |
Morten Sorensen , Columbia University, Per Johan Strömberg , Institute for Financial Research (SIFR) and Josh Lerner , Harvard Business School - Private Equity and Long-Run Investment: The Case of Innovation |
Phillip Leslie , Stanford Graduate School of Business and Paul Oyer , Stanford Graduate School of Business - Managerial Incentives and Value Creation: Evidence from Private Equity |
- 3:30 PM |
Argentum Symposium on Private Equity and Funds of Private Equity: Special Topics |
Micah S. Officer , Loyola Marymount University, Oguzhan Ozbas , University of Southern California - Marshall School of Business - Finance and Business Economics Department and Berk A. Sensoy , University of Southern California - Marshall School of Business - Finance and Business Economics Department - Club Deals in Leveraged Buyouts |
Dirk Bergemann , Yale University, Ulrich Hege , HEC Paris and Liang Peng , University of Cincinnati - Venture Capital and Sequential Investments |
Tim Jenkinson , University of Oxford and Miguel Sousa , University of Oxford - Why SPAC Investors Should Listen to the Market |
Preliminary Academic Program for the ECB Sessions on Liquidity and Financial Crises
- 8:30 AM |
ECB Sessions on Liquidity and Financial Crises: Money Markets and the Transmission of Instability |
Viral V. Acharya , London Business School, Douglas M. Gale , New York University and Tanju Yorulmazer , Federal Reserve Banks - Rollover Risk and Market Freezes |
Florian Heider , European Central Bank (ECB), Marie Hoerova , European Central Bank (ECB) and Cornelia Holthausen , European Central Bank (ECB) - Liquidity Hoarding and Interbank Market Spreads: The Role of Counterparty Risk |
Xuewen Liu , Imperial College London and Antonio S. Mello , University of Wisconsin - Madison - The Capital Structure of Financial Institutions and Liquidity Crisis |
Discussants: |
- 10:30 AM |
ECB Sessions on Liquidity and Financial Crises: Key Aspects of the Financial Crisis |
Marco Pagano , University of Naples Federico II and Paolo F. Volpin , London Business School - Securitization, Transparency and Liquidity |
Victoria Ivashina , Harvard Business School and David S. Scharfstein , Harvard Business School - Bank Lending During the Financial Crisis of 2008 |
Mariassunta Giannetti , Stockholm School of Economics and Andrei Simonov , Michigan State University - On the Real Effects of Bank Bailouts: Micro-Evidence from Japan |
Discussants: |
Preliminary Academic Program for the Viz Risk Management Sessions on Energy Markets, Securities, and Prices
- 8:30 AM |
Viz Risk Management Sessions on Energy Markets, Securities, and Prices: Empirical Analysis of Energy Markets |
Bahattin Buyuksahin , Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), Michael S. Haigh , K2 Advisors, Jeffrey H. Harris , University of Delaware, James A. Overdahl , Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and Michel A. Robe , American University - Fundamentals, Trader Activity and Derivative Pricing |
Viral V. Acharya , London Business School, Lars A. Lochstoer , Columbia University and Tarun Ramadorai , University of Oxford - Limits to Arbitrage and Hedging: Evidence from Commodity Markets |
Christian Conrad , University of Heidelberg, Daniel Rittler , University of Heidelberg and Waldemar Rotfuss , Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) - The European Commission and EUA Prices: A High-Frequency Analysis of the EC's Decision on Second NAPs |
- 10:30 AM |
Viz Risk Management Sessions on Energy Markets, Securities, and Prices: Electricity Markets |
Wolfgang Bühler , University of Mannheim and Jens Müller-Merbach , University of Mannheim - Valuation of Electricity Futures: Reduced-Form vs. Dynamic Equilibrium Models |
Arnaud Porchet , Princeton University, Renee Aid , affiliation not provided to SSRN, Nizar Touzi , National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) and Gilles Chemla , Imperial College London - Forward Hedging and Vertical Integration in Electricity Markets |
Stein-Erik Fleten , Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Jussi Keppo , University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Vivi K. Weiss , affiliation not provided to SSRN and Helga K. Lumb , affiliation not provided to SSRN - Derivative Price Information Use in Hydroelectric Scheduling |
Preliminary Academic Program for the Special Sessions on Liquidity and Financial Crises
- 1:30 PM |
Special Sessions on Liquidity and Financial Crises: Stability |
Steven R. G. Ongena , Tilburg University, Jose Luis Peydro , European Central Bank (ECB), Jesus Saurina Salas , Bank of Spain and Gabriel Jimenez , Bank of Spain - Monetary Policy and Credit Crunch: Identifying Simultaneously the Bank Lending and Balance Sheet Channels |
Sylvain Champonnois , University of California, San Diego - Bank Competition and Economic Stability: The Role of Monetary Policy |
David Aikman , Bank of England, Piergiorgio Alessandri , affiliation not provided to SSRN, Bruno Eklund , Bank of England, Prasanna Gai , Bank of England, Sujit Kapadia , Bank of England, Elizabeth Martin , affiliation not provided to SSRN, Nada Mora , American University of Beirut, Gabriel Sterne , Bank of England and Matthew Willison , Bank of England - Funding Liquidity Risk in a Quantitative Model of Systemic Stability |
- 9:00 AM |
Special Sessions on Liquidity and Financial Crises: Asset Pricing |
Jean-Sebastien Fontaine , Government of Canada and Rene Garcia , EDHEC Business School - Bond Liquidity Premia |
Peter Feldhütter , Copenhagen Business School - The Same Bond at Different Prices: Identifying Search Frictions and Demand Pressures |
Federico M. Bandi , University of Chicago, Claudia E. Moise , Case Western Reserve University and Jeffrey Russell , University of Chicago - The Joint Pricing of Volatility and Liquidity |
- 11:00 AM |
Special Sessions on Liquidity and Financial Crises: Funding |
Rocco R. Huang , Federal Reserve Banks and Lev Ratnovski , Bank of England - The Dark Side of Bank Wholesale Funding |
Mathias Drehmann , Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and Kleopatra Nikolaou , European Central Bank (ECB) - Funding Liquidity Risk: Definition and Measurement |
Frédéric Boissay , European Central Bank (ECB) - The Stabilizing Effects of Risk-Sensitive Bank Capital |
Preliminary Academic Program for the Special Session on the Role of Sovereign Wealth Funds
- 8:30 AM |
Special Session on the Role of Sovereign Wealth Funds |
Veljko Fotak , University of Oklahoma, Bernardo Bortolotti , Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) and William L. Megginson , University of Oklahoma - The Financial Impact of Sovereign Wealth Fund Investments in Listed Companies |
Nuno G. Fernandes , IMD International - Sovereign Wealth Funds: Investment Choices and Implications Around the World |
Alexandre Jeanneret , University of Lausanne - The Dynamics of Sovereign Credit Risk |