You are kindly invited to submit papers to be considered for presentation at the EFA 2009 meeting. We encourage authors to submit papers in the broad area of finance.
The European Central Bank (ECB) sponsors two special research sessions on key issues for central banks and related policy institutions. They deal with the areas of
- Liquidity and Financial Crises (notably money market microstructure and central bank liquidity operations) and
- Financial Architecture (in particular how financial innovations affect the stability and efficiency of advanced financial systems and which new regulatory and supervisory approaches enhance their resilience).
Argentum Private Equity sponsors a symposium on
- Private Equity and Funds of Private Equity with a best paper prize.
Viz Risk Management sponsors a special session on
- Energy Markets, Securities, and Prices with a best paper prize.
Finally, there will also be a special session on
- The Role of Sovereign Wealth Funds.
All submitted papers (to special sessions as well as regular sessions) will pass the same review process.